Sunday, January 29, 2012


I´ve arrived in Santiago!  Wooohooo! I´ve already had a crazy 24 hours.  In fact, I was lucky to even get here...

The day before I was due to fly I attempted to check into my flight online.  It didn´t work for some reason so I thought I´d just check in at the airport desk.  Luckily, my father convinced me to call the airline and try to check in to beat the queues.... I called up to find that the flight had been cancelled.  And no one had told me!  The next 4 hours involved frantically calling people at Iberia to try and sort it out....fortunately I managed to book on a different flight, but it was touch and go at one point.

Anyway, I got here in the end, so it´s all good!

The weather is ridiculously beautiful - I stepped off the plane to find blue skies and 28 degree sunshine. So far I am yet to see a cloud....I could get used to this.  Santiago is a very laid back city.  Everyone spends their time sitting in cafes or bars chatting away to eachother.  I got to the hostel at 10am, dropped my bag and joined a walking tour.  There isn´t really a huge amount to see in the way of sights in the city - we walked past various government buildings and it was all a bit average.  The highlight for me was "Cafe con Piernas" (coffee with legs), which is a rather strange concept.  You basically drink coffee that is served by girls with long legs.  It´s a cross between a cafe and a strip club - ridiculous!

I spent the rest of the afternoon drinking beer with some people who I met on the walking tour and watching the world go by.  At 4ish I went back to the hostel to check into my room - I walked in, introduced myself to the people in the room. They invited me to go swimming with them so I went straight out again!  We got a taxi to the top of a mountain, where the pool is, to find that we were 4 minutes late and it was closed.  We found a great spot overlooking the city and drank some beer, swapping stories.  This city really is beautiful - Santiago is surrounded by Andean mountains that are snow-capped all year round.

In the evening it was BBQ time at the hostel.  Huge slabs of meat - my kind of BBQ! The usual drinking games applied and we all ended up in a club until 5am.  The locals know how to party! The club didn´t even get busy until 3am and I ended up speaking to a nurse and an air traffic controller, who were both working the next morning (glad I found that out after I´d landed).

Right, I better continue trying to get over this huge hangover.  The hostel breakfast of 3 different kinds of egg has not helped.... Next time I will post something more interesting!


  1. So excited for you Si!!! What we would all give to be swimming on a mountain top!!! Looking forward to all your updates and so glad it all worked out getting there! :) xxx

  2. I see the the presence of your ugly mug on South American soil has already caused the ground to shake in Peru!!!!! Have fun.

  3. Ha ha, thanks for that. We also had a very small quake in Chile - South America must be pleased to see me!
