Saturday, November 17, 2012

San Juan and Mexico City

After all the partying in Oaxaca it was time to chill out. This was done in the hippy town of San Juan, where everyone is constantly off their head on magic mushrooms!

The place is set in the middle of the mountains and there is some spectacular scenery to be seen.

I did a bit of hiking, saw some great sunsets and found a four leaf clover!

I also found a place to fly my kite. The flight lasted about 50 seconds before the string snapped and it was lost forever. Well, it was good while it lasted!

Then it was off to Mexico city. First on the agenda was a visit to the Anthropology museum, which several people had recommended to me. I wondered if I was seeing things after San Juan - it has a huge mushroom-esque fountain outside.

This museum is one big place. After a while it became apparent that my heart wasn't really in it. I got bored after two hours - there is only so much you can read about the evolution of pre-Colombian tribes. They have some cool stuff in there though.

One highlight was in the park outside. There were some indigenous people performing the traditional rope swing dance. This involves climbing up a huge pole, securing yourself to the end of a rope and swinging around the pole until the rope extends down to the ground. Looked like fun!

The next day I went to see the famous pyramids of Teotihuacan. These pyramids were built around 100BC by the Teotihuacan people and later used by the Aztecs. I couldn't believe the sheer size of these bad boys. The amount of work that must have gone into building each one is mind blowing.

I also realised that a pitfall of having a shaved head is that it gets sun burnt. To combat this, I bought a cool Mexican sombrero. Well, the woman who sold it told me it was cool...

This sightseeing stuff was all well and good but the main event was yet to come. Lucha Libre, otherwise known as Mexican Wrestling. Anyone who thinks WWE is too fake should watch some lucha libre. It is borderline comedy! I think I would be able to act out a wrestling match in a more convincing way! They put on a good show though and everyone got into the spirit...

Other than that, I cruised around the city centre and took in the sights. I got lost in the Government building, ate lots of enchiladas and marveled at the size of the main square.

So, that's the end of my time in Central America. I'm off to Argentina now. Cheers Mexico, it's been a blast!

Another pyramid shot.

Temple of the Sun. This is where people were sacrificed. Apparently this was an honor.

A mural in the Anthropology museum. This one is Mayan.

Intricate designs on the side of the Temple of the Moon.

This building looks familiar...

The spring in the middle of the government building. This was the last picture I took before I accidentally wandered into a secure area and was escorted out. Oops.

Main square. Hordes of people on stilts try to get money out of tourists here.

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